Saturday, June 7, 2008


what is it about summer that just begs for an afternoon nap? Maybe it is the (almost) daily trips to the pool or the hot Texas sun...whatever it makes me sleepy!
We have been kinda busy trying to stay busy....Morning trips to the "extra size place"...that is what Copeland calls the gym...ha! I am trying to avoid an "extra size", honey!!! That is why we are here!!!! Both she and Ran have made friends with the brutal cardio teacher's kids....they also go to the water park with Vanessa and I.....Can I just say that my idea of a relaxing afternoon is NOT sitting next to my very tall and thin BFF and Cardio Queen Christi in their bikinis....c'mon girls ...cut a sista a little slack! LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!!!


Stacy @ The Next-to-Nothing House said...

Hi Lorie! I just wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting my blog :) I've been looking around here for a while and I've really enjoyed seeing you and your family. I will be checking back often to see what you guys are up to.

I see that you are from TX....I have a good friend in Austin. He used to be the editor of a magazine called The Elegant Texan....have you ever heard of it? is a pleasure to meet you. See you soon.

Vanessa said...

We need the Cardio Queen to keep us in those swimsuits. We have seen RESULTS...RESULTS....RESULTS!

I need a nap today, too. Wish me luck.